

Dear soul,

Self-love is a topic that is very close to my heart because I myself have had difficulties accepting and loving myself in the past. I was often very critical of myself and had high expectations of myself that I was often unable to fulfill. This often made me feel insecure and uncomfortable in my own skin.


It took me many years to learn to love and accept myself. I learned that self-love is not a goal that you reach at some point, but a process that you have to work on continuously. It’s about allowing yourself to be imperfect and make mistakes.

It’s about encouraging and supporting yourself instead of putting yourself down and criticizing yourself.

When I started to love myself, I noticed how much my life changed. I became happier and more confident. I had more energy and was better able to focus on my goals. I also became healthier and more confident in my relationships with other people.

Because when you love yourself, you also know what you need in a relationship and what is not acceptable. You are more willing to stand up for your needs and communicate your boundaries. You are also able to find a healthy balance between give and take in a relationship.

I think that self-love is an issue that affects many people. Many of us have difficulty accepting and loving ourselves. But I think everyone can learn to love themselves if they are willing to work on themselves and allow themselves to be imperfectly perfect.


There are many ways to practice self-love. You can take time for yourself, take good care of yourself and allow yourself to make mistakes. You can also appreciate your successes and remind yourself of how far you’ve come.

I think that self-love is an important part of a happy and fulfilled life. When you love yourself, you can love others and build fulfilling relationships with others. So, if you don’t love yourself, start accepting and supporting yourself. Your life will change as a result and you will be happier and more confident.


Self-love is not only important for healthy relationships, but also for your own health. Because if you don’t love yourself, it can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health.

Not accepting and loving yourself can lead to stress and negative emotions, which in turn can affect the body. Stress can weaken the immune system and lead to physical ailments such as headaches, gastrointestinal problems or sleep disorders.

On the other hand, self-love can help you to take better care of your health. If you value and respect yourself, you are more likely to eat healthily, exercise regularly and get enough rest. You listen better to your own body’s needs and are able to pay attention to warning signs and react to health problems in good time.

Self-love can also help you to understand yourself better and to know your own needs and limits. This can make you more confident to seek help when you need it, be it in the form of psychotherapeutic treatment or other support.

Overall, self-love can help you to be physically and mentally healthier and lead a more fulfilling life. When you love yourself, you are more likely to take care of your health, pay attention to your needs and be able to build healthy relationships with others.


Self-love is an important aspect for your own health and for healthy relationships. But how can you practically apply self-love and put it into practice in everyday life? Here are some tips:

  1. Self-acceptance: Accept yourself as you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses. Nobody is perfect, and that’s okay. Focus on what you are good at and what makes you special.
  2. Self-care: Take time for yourself and look after your needs. This can mean exercising regularly, eating healthily or simply setting aside time to relax and unwind.
  3. Positive self-talk: Talk positively to yourself and encourage yourself. Avoid negative self-talk that brings you down and affects your self-esteem.
  4. Set boundaries: Be willing to communicate your boundaries and stand up for yourself. Respect your own needs and stand up for them to be met.
  5. Make mistakes: Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s normal.
  6. Focus on what you can learn from them and how you can improve in the future.
  7. Gratitude: Focus on the positive things in your life and be grateful for them. This can help you to appreciate yourself and boost your self-esteem.
  8. Self-reflection: Take time to think about yourself and your feelings. Reflect on what you need and what is important to you. This can help you to understand yourself better and formulate your needs and wishes more clearly.

These tips are just a sample of what you can do to practice self-love in your life. It’s about finding out what works for you personally and what helps you to love and accept yourself. The most important step is to start and continuously work on yourself. Self-love is a process that takes time and patience, but the positive effects on your life are worth it.

In solidarity
