
Upgrade. Your Life.

I show you the way to more physical & mental joy of life and inner freedom!

Graduation Osteopathy (BAO)

Trained yoga teacher
(10 years experience)

Meditation, nutrition, coaching

State-approved physiotherapist
(14y of experience)

Who is Sohrab Papahn?

As a holistic Health & Selfcare Coach I have fulfilled a dream since 2011 with a practice for physiotherapy and osteopathy including an integrated yoga studio. The focus is on trust in the self-healing powers of the human being and the resources of nature.

My vision of each person using these for their own health maintenance gives me the opportunity to support people individually on the path to more vitality and self-healing.

With my skills as an osteopath, yoga teacher and coach I support you on your way to more health, ease, serenity, peace and balance.

My services

Energetic-Informative-Bodywork (EIK)
Body, mind and soul are an inseparable unit. I define my treatments (bodywork sessions) as a form of treatment in which the physical, mental and spiritual functions are stimulated to self-regulate. The principle of Holistic Treatment is: "Everything must flow freely in the body". Exercise and nutrition are two important and complementary factors to the holistic treatment.
Yoga in essence means "unity, harmony". Yoga is primarily about immersing oneself in one's own mind and grasping, understanding and expanding it. Yoga is based on certain physical exercises, the so-called asanas. This exercises the muscles and the fascial system and strengthens the cardiovascular system. The physical exercises are designed to enable a long-lasting meditation and also to consciously perceive movements.
Functional Cross Training (FCT)
Functional movement forms always integrate several muscles and muscle groups simultaneously. FCT relies predominantly on training with your own body weight. The body becomes stronger, more agile / flexible, more resistant and more enduring. Multi-dimensional movements and different directions of movement are used to address all body axes -planes. All 5 basic sport motor skills: Strength, endurance, speed, agility and coordination are integrated. important and complementary factors for holistic treatment.
Meditation & Breathwork
Meditation means being present and present in the here and now. As an observer, without evaluation of what is happening. Without a goal, intentions or tasks, without having to do anything. It is about letting the constant stream of your thoughts come to rest and practicing mindfulness and awareness of everyday life and your feelings. My type of meditation consists of a dynamic meditation, where we practice powerful breathing techniques, called Breathwork. We use the potential of vibration / frequency to further release energetic blockages.

Find your Why!

Find your calling and live your full potential. Know yourself! Bring your “why” into the world.

Be free, self-determined and authentic. Find your joy of life, meaning and fulfillment – whether professionally or privately.

Find your strength and break through your old habitual patterns. Become aware of your inner convictions.

Recognize who you want to be and overcome your own limitations.

Why with me?

I break down inner boundaries so that development is possible and people can build a liberated, self-determined and happy life through their uniqueness.

I support those who have great will to change and high self-efficacy. Who expect more from life than the ordinary, want to discover themselves and carry a deep longing within them. My ability is to grasp, feel and understand people holistically – to meet them on all levels.

Thanks to my distinct perception, empathy, complexity and expertise, I help people to find their individual path to health, harmony, clarity and peace in their hearts.

This is accompanied by serenity and from the heart.



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Awesome Services!
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Arianna Morgan

Are you usually worn out, exhausted or stressed?

Are you interested in holistic and sustainable life and work concepts?

Do you want to live long and as healthy as possible and "do something" accordingly?

Do you already have light or medium physical symptoms from time to time, which you associate with an unresolved issue?

Then contact me without obligation!

Niklas BeyerNiklas Beyer
15:10 10 Aug 22
Ich gehe nun seit gut 5 Jahren zu den Papahns und bin bis heute von der Kompetenz, Professionalität und Ganzheitlichkeit dieser Therapeuten begeistert.Da ich in der Zeit unterschiedliche und auch komplexe Leiden hatte konnte mich Herr & Frau Papahn in meiner rekonvaleszenzzeit unterstützen und diese auch verkürzen. Bin euch sehr dankbar.
d jd j
14:58 04 Aug 22
Bester Osteopath den ich kenne. Bin über 2 Monate mit Problemen rumgelaufen die durch nur eine Sitzung geheilt werden konnten. Kann die Praxis mit besten Gewissen weiterempfehlen. Vielen Dank!
Sophia EiseleSophia Eisele
05:08 15 Jul 22
Die Praxis ist sehr modern und optisch ansprechend. Alle Mitarbeiter dort sind super freundlich und hilfsbereit.Hr. und Fr. Papahn haben Zauberhände. Sie haben meine Migräne innerhalb von ein paar Sitzungen geheilt. Sie kennen sich einfach in allen Bereichen aus und schauen sich den Körper insgesamt an. Ich war hochschwanger, dennoch haben die beiden einen Weg gefunden mir zu helfen.Ich bin sehr zufrieden und gehe gerne dort hin. Vielen Dank für alles.
Sabrina SchubertSabrina Schubert
14:38 03 Jun 22
Ich kann diese Praxis nur sehr weiterempfehlen. Mir wurde nach 10 Jahren Beschwerden endlich geholfen und die richtige Diagnose gestellt. Frau und Herr Papahn nehmen sich Zeit für Ihre Patienten und wissen was sie tun. Die Kombination aus Physiotherapie und Osteopathie ist perfekt. Das gesamte Team ist ausserdem sehr freundlich und man fühlt sich wohl. Termine die verschoben werden, werden rechtzeitig per Mail angekündigt. Ausserdem wird man immer im Vorfeld an seinen Termin erinnert. Weiter so. Vielen Dank.
Heilpraktiker für Physiotherapie
in Bochum auf jameda