
Dizziness, pressure in the head and brain fog – when the body can’t let go

A man in his mid-30s had been suffering from sudden dizziness for several years, especially when he tilted his head back or turned it to the side. He unconsciously avoided these movements in everyday life, but it was unavoidable when doing sport or looking upwards – then everything began to sway.

He also felt increasing pressure in his head, a dull, heavy feeling that made it difficult to think clearly. Some days it felt as if his head was packed in absorbent cotton – brain fog, concentration problems, rapid exhaustion.

Two accidents – and a chain reaction lasting years

The cause could be found in the past: Two whiplash injuries. A car accident five years ago, a sports accident three years later. Both times there were initially only minor complaints that quickly subsided – seemingly insignificant. But unnoticed, his body had switched to protection mode.

The examination revealed that the neck and throat muscles were extremely tense, the fasciae were hardened and the mobility of the upper cervical joints was significantly restricted. Particularly noticeable was the circulatory disorder in the head area – the venous drainage was no longer optimal, so that more and more pressure had built up over the years. Dizziness, tension headaches and a diffuse foggy feeling in the head were the result.

Getting the body off alert

The treatment works on several levels: The deep neck fasciae were released, the upper cervical joints mobilized and blood circulation improved. Targeted techniques were used to signal to the body that it no longer needed the ongoing protective tension.

Significant relief was already noticeable after the first treatment. The head could move more freely and the dizziness disappeared. The feeling of pressure also subsided – for the first time in years, his head felt “clear” again.

Lasting change – and a new freedom

A week later, it became apparent that the improvement had continued. Full mobility had returned and the dizzy spells had stopped. The diffuse feeling of pressure in the head had also disappeared.

For years, the body had pursued a protective strategy that caused it more problems than benefits. But with the right impulses, it was able to realign itself.

This case shows that it is often old injuries that unconsciously restrict us for years. But as soon as the body recognizes that it can let go of the tension, it not only regains flexibility – but also clarity, lightness and stability.